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Places of interest in Poltava

Poltava. Monument to unconquered Poltava inhabitants

Poltava. Monument to unconquered Poltava inhabitants

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Пушкина, 32а

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Центр

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument to V.Lenin

Poltava. Monument to V.Lenin

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Ленина, 15

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Центр

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument to victims of Holodomor

Poltava. Monument to victims of Holodomor

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Никитченко, 4

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Сады-2

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument to victims of Nazism

Poltava. Monument to victims of Nazism

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Розы Люксембург

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Ближний центр

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument to victims of the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

Poltava. Monument to victims of the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Фрунзе, 29

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Центр

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument Turbomekhanichesky factory workers who died during the World War II

Poltava. Monument Turbomekhanichesky factory workers who died during the World War II

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: г. Полтава, ул. Зеньковская, 6

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Центр

Phone number:

Poltava. Mystical house on Pushkin str.

Poltava. Mystical house on Pushkin str.

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Пушкина, 42

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Центр

Phone number:

Poltava. Oak on the Shvedskaya str.

Poltava. Oak on the Shvedskaya str.

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Шведская, 2

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Центр

Phone number:

Poltava. Observation platform

Poltava. Observation platform

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Капельгородского, 12 а

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Центр

Phone number:

Poltava. Podol Tower

Poltava. Podol Tower

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Соборная площадь, 2

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Центр

Phone number:

Poltava. Rotunda of People's Friendship (White Gazebo)

Poltava. Rotunda of People's Friendship (White Gazebo)

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Мазуровская, 11

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Центр

Phone number:

Poltava. Rotunda of Reconciliation

Poltava. Rotunda of Reconciliation

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Шведская Могила, 32

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Пригород

Phone number: