Poltava's Catalog

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Places of interest in Poltava

Poltava. Monument to Raisa Kirichenko

Poltava. Monument to Raisa Kirichenko

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Кириченко

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Центр

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument to soldiers participating in Frentik military campaign

Poltava. Monument to soldiers participating in Frentik military campaign

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Маршала Бирюзова, 50/1

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Браилки

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument to soldiers participating in Frentik military campaign

Poltava. Monument to soldiers participating in Frentik military campaign

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Маршала Бирюзова, 50/1

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Браилки

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument to soldiers-internationalists

Poltava. Monument to soldiers-internationalists

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: г. Полтава, ул. 23-го Сентября

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Алмазный

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument to soldiers-tankers

Poltava. Monument to soldiers-tankers

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Ковпака, 20

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Браилки

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument to Swedes from Russians

Poltava. Monument to Swedes from Russians

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Шведская Могила

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Пригород

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument to Swedes from Swedes

Poltava. Monument to Swedes from Swedes

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Побыванка

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Пригород

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument to T. Shevchenko

Poltava. Monument to T. Shevchenko

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Конституции, 2

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Центр

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument to the aviators-heroes

Poltava. Monument to the aviators-heroes

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Петра Юрченко, 70

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Военный городок

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument to the Fallen Ukrainian Cossacks

Poltava. Monument to the Fallen Ukrainian Cossacks

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Панянский бульвар

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Центр

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument to the people who escaped from Hell

Poltava. Monument to the people who escaped from Hell

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Петра Юрченко

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Браилки

Phone number:

Poltava. Monument to the students, staff and faculty of the construction of the Institute, who died during World War II

Poltava. Monument to the students, staff and faculty of the construction of the Institute, who died during World War II

Reviews: 0 | Type: Places of interest

addresses: Полтава, Первомайский проспект, 24

Schedule: 0:00 – 0:00

District: Центр

Phone number: